• US has approved construction of two atomic reactors in the country.
  • The first to be built in America in more than three decades despite objections from the nation’s top nuclear regulator.
  • Commissioners of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) voted 4-1 to approve the construction of two 1,100 megawatt Westinghouse-Toshiba AP1000 at power generator at Vogtle in Georgia.
  • The NRC certified Westinghouse’s amended AP1000 design on December 30, 2011.
  • There are over 100 operating nuclear power plants in America and 16 non-operational power plants, and a large number of nuclear fuel and weapons facilities.
  • Protection: Don’t count on the plant security forces — they aren’t nearly strong enough. These plants are each vulnerable to air strikes, truck bombs, boat bombs, and of course, the well-equipped and well-armed single madman or small group of terrorists. All anyone needs to do is toss a grenade into a Spent Fuel Pool and hundreds of thousands or even millions could die.