- Words that contains all the vowels: Authentication, Remuneration, Education, Automobile, Miscellaneous and many more.
- Words that contain all the vowels in order: Facetious and Abstemious.
- Words that contain all the vowels in reverse order: Uncomplimentary, Unproprietary, Unoriental and Subcontinental.
- Words with no vowel in them: Myth, Fly, Sky, Dry, Cry, Rhythm, Crypt.
- Which country declares independence on 18th Feb 2008? – Kosovo.
Who was the founder of the kindergarten education system? – German educator Friedrich Froebel.
What is the scientific name of Vitamin C? – Ascorbic Acid
What is the full form of GPRS? – General Packet Radio Service
Which was the first university established in the world? – Nalanda University
What is full form of CEO, CFO & CIO titles? Chief Executive
Officer, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Information Officer.