In Tamil Nadu, the four member committee constituted by the state government to look into the safety aspects of the Kundankulam nuclear power projects and allay the fears of the local population, returned to Chennai this evening after holding talks with various stakeholders in Tirunelveli. The convenor of the committee Professor Iniyan said they will submitting their report to the state government shortly.
The committee had during their stay in Tirunelveli, held discussions with the district authorities besides representatives of the group spearheading the anti-kundalam agitation. The high level committee had also visited the Kundankulam plant, to get a first hand account of the safety mechanism in place at the site.
Meanwhile, power project area has come into a security blanket with over 1000 police personnel deployed in the vicinity of the plant. Senior officials of the district including South Zone Inspector General of Police Rajesh Das are camping in the area and are closing monitoring the situation.