In a rare celestial coincidence, as many as five planets including Saturn will be visible in the night for two weeks starting from February 23.
The planets that would be visible to naked eye are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars and Saturn are already visible without any optical aids....Mars can be seen in the East with the naked eye while Venus could be spotted towards west after sunset till 9 pm and Jupiter can be seen above Venus till 11 pm (during two weeks).
Mars is in Leo constellation and rises about an hour after the sunset in the eastern horizon. It can be identified by its reddish hue and will be seen almost throughout the night and gradually moving closer to star Regulus (Magha). In the coming days Saturn will be seen in the east close to midnight.
Uranus which is normally faint in appearance will be close to Venus and hence can easily be spotted without help of any specialised maps.