The Electronic Delivery of Services Bill, 2011 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on December 27, 2011 by the Minister of HRD and Information Technology. The Bill was referred to the Standing Committee on Information Technology on January 5, 2012, which is scheduled to submit its report in three months.
The Bill provides that the central government, the state government and public authorities shall deliver all public services through electronic modes, except those that cannot be delivered electronically. The government may also notify other services which will not be delivered electronically. Services that can be delivered through electronic means include the receipt of forms and applications, the issue of licenses and permits, and receipt and payment of money, among others. Public authorities are required to deliver services through electronic means within five years of the enactment of the Bill, which may be extended by a further three years.
The Bill provides that every public authority should publish the list of public services to be delivered electronically within 180 days of its enactment. This list should be reviewed every January and the following notified: (a) the date by which each service will be made available electronically and (b) the manner and quality of delivery of such services.
Every public authority is required to notify a Grievance Redressal Mechanism. Aggrieved persons can file complaints against an authority for failing to provide public services electronically or for deficiencies in the delivery of services.
The Bill establishes three-member commissions at the central and state levels. The central selection committee tasked to appoint the members will consist of the cabinet secretary, a secretary and an expert. The state selection committee will consist of the chief secretary, a principal secretary and an expert. The Bill bars judicial review of appointment of members.