A Delhi court directed the National Investigative Agency to produce Pakistani American David Coleman Headley involved in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack by the 13th of next month. The court also asked the Agency - NIA - to produce his accomplice Tahawwur Rana, LeT founder Hafiz Saeed and mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi accused of carrying out several terror attacks in India.
The court issued non-bailable warrants against Pakistan Army officials Major Iqbal and Major Sameer Ali, Al-Qaeda operative Illyas Kashmiri, Headley's handler Sajid Malik and former Pakistani Army officer Abdul Rehman Hashmi.
District Judge H S Sharma took cognizance of the charge sheet filed by NIA against all the nine accused for their alleged roles in various terror acts.
The NIA has urged the court to issue a letter rogatory to Morocco for further investigation of the role of Headley's second wife, Faiza Outalha, in the 26/11 attacks and ascertain her whereabouts. According to the NIA, Outalha hails from Morocco and she had made visits to India in April, 2007 and June, July and August, 2008.
The NIA, in its charge sheet filed on December 24, had accused 51-year-old Headley, Rana, Saeed and six others for planning and executing terror strikes in India, including the 26/11 Mumbai attack.
Headley and Rana are at present in the custody of the US authorities and the NIA has only got a limited access to Headley who had entered into plea bargain with US authorities to escape harsh sentence.