India bagged one Gold and two Bronze medals at the World Shooting Championship in Doha. In Women's 50-metre Rifle Prone event on Monday, India's Raj Kumari amassed 594 points in the final round, helping India bag its second Gold of the tournament.
Earlier ace shooter Abhinav Bindra bagged a Gold medal in the Men's 10-metre Air Rifle event.
In the team event of the Women's 50-metre Rifle Prone category, the Indian team of Raj Kumari, Tejaswini Sawant and Lajja Gauswami scored a total of 1,755 points, bagging a bronze for India. Gold went to Korea.
In Women's 10-metre Air Pistol event, India's Annu Raj Singh clinched a bronze medal by posting a total of 481.2 points, just 0.4 points behind Ying Chen of China, who finished second. In this event also, Gold went to Korea.