Tamil Nadu government announced a series of relief measures to farmers in the Thane cyclone-affected Cuddalore district, including a sum of Rs. 210 crore as compensation for damaged crops.
  • A statement released today said that crops in 2.24 lakh hectares of area have been destroyed by the cyclone Thane.
  • The Chief Minister assured help to the farmers of horticulture crops like Cashew, Jackfruit and Coconut.
  • The government has planned to distribute the saplings free of cost apart from bearing the maintenance cost for a year.
  • The farm labourers would be paid through MNREGA. This would also cover farmers who take up works in their own land.
  • The government would provide a mini kit comprising seeds and fertilizers to farmers who take up plantation of pulses. 
  • For restoring the thoroughly damaged power connections, 8000 employees would be involved in the restoration work.