• The Indian Railways have updated their technology enabling you to book a reserved ticket from your mobile phone.

  • An internet-enabled mobile owner is required to register with the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) and download its software. With that, he can book a ticket from a place and time of his convenience.

  • The registration is needed only for the first transaction and further reservation can be made using one's ID and password. The software can be downloaded from the IRCTC website or its associate service providers.

  • Upon booking a ticket, the passenger will receive a reservation message or virtual ticket with journey details.

  • This message will be treated as proof of booking and the passenger need not carry a printed copy for the journey.

  • The IRCTC promises to launch its mobile application too and it will be made available on its website soon. The application will be functional on most GPRS and browser-based models.

  • The charge for booking tickets from a mobile set is the same as for booking an e-ticket.