The government today approved the National Policy on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) to re-assert India's commitment to combat the drug menace in a holistic manner.
What is expected from the policy?
Implementation of the provisions of the policy will lead to reduction of crime, improvement in public health and uplifting of the social milieu.
What is the policy?
The NDPS Policy will serve as a guide to various Ministries and organizations. The policy recommends production of Concentrate of Poppy Straw in India by a company or body corporate. This would enable India to retain its status of a traditional supplier of Opiate Raw Material to the rest of world, while remaining competitive.
On the illicit cultivation of poppy and cannabis, the policy emphasizes use of satellite imageries for detection of illicit crop and its subsequent eradication and development of alternate means of livelihood in respect of cultivators in pockets of traditional illicit cultivation.
Who drafted the policy?
The policy was drafted by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue in consultation with the concerned Ministries and Agencies of the Central and the State Governments.