Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Sunday announced a slew of welfare schemes on New Year's Day, the implementation of which will entail an expenditure of Rs. 5,000 crore over the next five years for the State government. These schemes will benefit erosion-hit families, farmers, students, small entrepreneurs and women, and will be in addition to the ongoing schemes.
The new schemes include a special package of Rs. 1,000 crore for the rehabilitation of erosion-affected families, a scholarship scheme for 50,000 students in lower primary and 50,000 in upper primary schools, a study tour to NASA for the top three rank-holders in High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination (class X State board final), free computers to all students securing 50 per cent in the HSLC examination, free yarn to 10,000 weavers, free mosquito nets to all Below-Poverty-Line (BPL) families.
Under the rehabilitation package for erosion-hit families, Rs. 5,000 and two bundles of corrugated galvanised iron sheets will be provided to each family.