The Delhi High Court on Wednesday took suo moto notice of media reports that around 70 percent milk supplied in the country was adulterated. It issued notices to the Centre and Delhi government and sought a reply on the matter by January 25.
The Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) randomly carried out tests in 33 states and Union Territories only to discover that milk is being spiked with detergents, fat and even urea besides the traditional dilution with water.
Out of 71 samples lifted from Delhi, 50 carried contaminants varying from glucose to skimmed milk powder which is generally added to milk to enhance volume. Across the country 68.4% samples were found to be contaminated.
Among the major states, approximately 89% samples from Jammu & Kashmir, 81% from Punjab, 76% Rajasthan, 70% from Delhi and Haryana and 65% from Maharashtra were found to be negative.
The states that performed comparatively better included Karnataka (22%), Tamil Nadu (12%) and Madhya Pradesh (6.5%).