24 children including eight girls and 16 boys have been selected for the National Bravery award for 2011. Five awards have been given posthumously.
Coveted Bharat Award has been conferred posthumously to 15 year old Master Kapil Singh Negi of Uttarakhand who helped his classmates cross over a flooded stream.
The prestigious Geeta Chopra award has been conferred on 13 year old Kumari Mittal Patadiya of Gujarat who faced armed robbers and foiled a robbery attempt.
Sanjay Chopra award has been given to 12 and a half year old Master Om Prakash Yadav of Uttar Pradesh who saved his school mates from a burning van.
Late master Aditya Gopal of Arunanachal Pradesh, Uma Shankar of Delhi and Kumari Anjali Singh Gautam of Chhatisgarh have been given the Bapu Gaidhani award.