After Hindi, which is the second most spoken language in India ? In terms of area, which is the largest country ? Who was the first woman...
After Hindi, which is the second most spoken language in India ? In terms of area, which is the largest country ? Who was the first woman...
After Sachin Tendulkar, who is the second cricketer to receive the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award ? Which city houses the headquarters of C...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-17 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-17 In tabletop game Carrom, how many coins are used ? How much time does...
Kavaratti, an island town, is the capital of which Indian union territory ? Garba dance is native of which Indian state ? Antarctica is t...
Who signs one rupee currency note of India ? Who wrote the 'Das Capital', an extensive treatise on political economy ? Who was th...
In which city is the dargah (tomb) of sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti located ? With with musical instrument is Pt. Ravi Shankar associated ?...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-16 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-16 Who is the Supreme Commander of Indian armed forces ? Which among the...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-15 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-15 What is the approximate playing time of full version of 'Jana Gana ...
In human body, Bile is produced by which organ ? What was the original name of Mughal empress Noor Jahan ? Which among the following is n...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-14 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-14 The significant rise in production of which commodity is referred as `...
In Windows XP operating system, what is the `XP' short for ? What is the common name of Indian national tree `Ficus Bengalensis' ?...
In 1970, who became the first recipient of the Dadasaheb Phalke Award ? Bomakai and Sambalpuri saris are native of which state ? `Akbar...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-13 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-13 On the banks of which river is Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Prad...
Which is the only metal that exists in liquid form at normal room temprature (25 degree Celsius) ? What was the name of Maharana Pratap...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-12 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-12 The name of which painting style, based on the name of a distric...
In 2007, which state re-established its Vidhan Parishad (Legislative Council) after a gap of 22 years ? Which unit is used to measure the ...
Which co-founder of Infosys, wrote the book `Imagining India : Ideas for the New Century' ? What is the scientific name of Vinegar ? ...
BANK COMPUTER TEST-11 CURRENT AFFAIR TEST-11 Which term is used to describe the rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk...
Out of four Hindu Dhams, three are dedicated to lord Vishnu & one to lord Shiva. Which one is edicated to lord Shiva ? By mixing equal...
What is the observation that `Supply creates its own demand' is popularly called ? In 1916, who founded Banaras Hindu University in Va...
Out of four Hindu Dhams, three are dedicated to lord Vishnu & one to lord Shiva. Which one is dedicated to lord Shiva ? By mixing equa...
What is the motto of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) ? Nifty is the main share index of which stock exchange ? Which planet is nearest to ...
Peter Parker is the original name of which fictional superhero ? Which planet is referred Morning Star as well as Evening Star ? Lumbini...
German Shepherd is a popular breed of ? How do we better know film actor Rajeev Bhatia ? According to Ramayana, who was Bharat's wif...
Which colour is in the centre of Rainbow ? In terms of area, which is the smallest state in India ? Who is the chairman of the Planning ...
For Rajya Sabha, how many members are nominated by President? Chankya was the chief advisor of which ruler ? What is the direction of ro...
Which Indian state is the largest producer in the world of the golden coloured 'Muga' silk ? Which Indian freedom fighter was pop...
1 The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was – Ralph Johnson Bunche 2 The first British University to admit women for...
Words that contains all the vowels: Authentication, Remuneration, Education, Automobile, Miscellaneous and many more. Words that contain ...
The technique to produce the first test tube baby was evolved by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards. The oldest residential university of...
The US state known as ‘Pine Free State’ is Vermont. The US state known as ‘Mountain state’ is Pennsylvania. The US state known as ‘Land ...
The lightest known metal is Lithium. The Atacama Desert is located in North Chile. The oil used to preserve timber is Creosote oil. The...
The longest river in Russia and Europe is Volga River. The first Emperor of Germany was Wilhelm. The last French Monarch was Louis Napol...
The first animated colour cartoon of full feature length was Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. The first demonstration of a motion picture was...
The Kalahari Desert is located in Africa. The Patagonian desert is located in Argentina. The person known as the father of aeronautics is ...
Mercury is also known as Quick Silver. Disneyland is located in California, USA. The country which built the first powerful long range roc...
WMO is located at Geneva. International Civil Aviation Organization is located at Montreal. The Angel Falls is located in Venezuela. The ...
The world’s loneliest island is the Tristan da cunha. The word ‘Quiz’ was coined by Jim Daly Irishman. The original meaning of ‘Quiz’ was ...
The largest museum in the world is the American Museum of Natural History. The lowest mountain range in the world is the Buena Bhaile. The...
FFC stands for Which of the following was Satyajit Ray associated with? The habitats valuable for commercially harvested species are calle...
Professor Amartya Sen is famous in which of the fields? The landmass of which of the following continents is the least? What Galileo inven...
1. The insurance act was passed in this year 2. The Direct Taxes Code (DTC) is set to take effect from 3. The maximum contribution of Pub...
Bhartiya Janata Party observed Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Birthday as The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) completed how many years o...
Who among the following was an eminent painter? The light of distant stars is affected by What is the name of the CalTech seismologist who...
The government proposes to convert the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) into a National Health Mission to provide health care to the ...
Jude Felix is a famous Indian player in which of the fields? The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes are When was barb wire patent...
1 The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was 2 The longest river in the world is the 3 The longest highway in the world is the 4...
1. The Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry is 2. The great Victoria Desert is located in 3. Which scientist d...