• The much awaited India's ultra-low-cost tablet - Aakash - is now up for sale. Datawind, the maker of the tablet, has put up the tablet for sale online. Priced at Rs 2,500, the tablet is said to be delivered within seven days

  •  Powered by Android 2.2 (Froyo) OS, the 7-inch tablet has a resistive touch screen. The tablet weighs 350g and has 256 MB of RAM. The device has a Arm11 – 366Mhz microprocessor and a 2100mAh battery. It supports only Wi-Fi network.

  • However the upgraded version of Aakash, called the Ubislate 7, is scheduled to be launched late January. It has a Cortex A8 – 700 Mhz processor compared to the 366 MHz processor in Aakash. Running Android 2.3 OS, it will include a 3200 mAh battery. The device will support both WiFi and GPRS networks